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Production Technologies Factories Quality

Production Technologies

Zhejiang Xieshi has built up a well-developed and standard product system to ensure the prompt delivery of high-quality products to customers. The following chemical reactions are practiced in a large scale almost every day in our plant. 

C-C Bond Formation:

- Alkylation reaction

- Grignard reaction

- Lithium reagent reaction

- Suzuki coupling

- Witting reaction

Functional Group Transformation:

- Fluoridation

- Ammoniation

- Diazo-reaction

- Hydrogenation

- Oxidation and reduction reaction

The structure of fluorine-containing product is our feature, because we have more than twenty years of experience and technology in fluoridation. The following process is used almost every day in our production. 

Halex Reaction

Balz-Schiemann Reaction

Other Reaction

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