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company vision Gallery Management message management team history

The Management’s Messages

Zhejiang Xieshi is one of the enterprises that started earlier the research, development, manufacturing and sales of fine chemicals. For more than three decades since its foundation, Zhejiang Xieshi has always adhered to technology-driven concept and the philosophy of innovative development, with its products widely used in display materials, innovative medicines and pesticides. It is an important milestone and also a new start point for the Company to move the production base from Taizhou to the national level industrial park in Shaoxing, namely Hangzhou Bay Shangyu Economic & Technological Development Area (HSEDA). We hope to, with our unremitting efforts, develop international and domestic market, build a world-leading brand in the fine chemical industry, and contribute back to the society and investors with steady growth and superior performance. 

许昌市| 洛阳市| 太谷县| 石屏县| 扶绥县| 綦江县| 乳山市| 合山市| 永靖县| 石台县| 古交市| 文登市| 怀远县| 太白县| 木里| 古交市| 达尔| 南开区| 蚌埠市| 马边| 石台县| 辛集市| 乌拉特前旗| 抚州市| 克什克腾旗| 齐齐哈尔市| 崇信县| 舞阳县| 张家川| 广饶县| 石屏县| 阿巴嘎旗| 龙胜| 抚松县| 绥化市| 平山县| 都兰县| 斗六市| 海宁市| 高台县| 全州县| http://www.1688xu.com http://www.eae8.com http://www.dw918.com http://www.njbofz.com http://www.hlg222.com http://www.tqn6.com